Inov-8 Softflask 250ml
The Softflask 250 ml is an ideal bottle to take with you while running. The bottle is compressed during drinking to prevent the water from sloshing and shrinks into a small package. Thanks to the smoother surface and slim shape, the bottle is easy to put away in a bag, belt or jacket pocket.
The most important properties of Inov-8 Softflask 250 ml at a glance:
- Lightweight: approx. 25 grams
- Contents: 8.5oz/250ml
- Bite valve for fast and leak-free hydration
- Easy to fill thanks to wide opening, approx. 28 mm
- Leak-proof screw cap
- PVC and BPA free
- RF welded seams
- Dishwasher safe
- Suitable for the freezer
Article number: 000215-STWH-002 Article group: Bottles Colour: Blue Contents: 250 ML Gender: Unisex Brand: Inov-8