HydraPak Softflask 250ml

  • The Softflask 250ml is a functional accessory. It is a handy bottle to take with you while running. The small soft water bottle is designed to store gels. You can store the contents of more than 5 gels, which makes the bottle ideal for your long runs or trail runs. Because the bottle shrinks during drinking, the bottle takes up less and less space. The bottle is also leak-proof, so you can take it with you during your run without any worries. In addition, you can also use this bottle perfectly in combination with a Nathan belt, Flipbelt or sports pants with a storage compartment on your upper leg.

    • Shrinks while drinking
    • Leakproof
    • Space for the contents of more than 5 gels
    • Specially designed for consuming gels
    • Resistant to freezing
    • Can withstand up to 60 degrees Celsius
    • 100% BPA and PVC free
  • Article number: B270HP
    Article group: Drinking Systems
    Colour: Blue
    Brand: HydraPak